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kaye vlachos

Did you know?

How you treat yourself matters!

How you speak to yourself matters!

How you feel matters!


How you choose to show up in your life, is something worth reflecting on & is something I reflect on often in my life.

It matters to me, that I have been given the opportunity to live this BIG BEAUTIFUL LIFE.

It matters to me, that I can live my BEST LIFE if I want to.

It matters to me, that my family & friends are proud of me, and so I’m not wasting a minute of this BIG BEAUTIFUL LIFE.

Why settle for feeling like s**t every day, when you can tweak your day, and feel great in your skin?

Yes, it takes effort, but, isn’t it worth effort to feel amazing.

Yes it takes effort, but, what if I were to tell you that the effort is “worth it”.

Yes, it’s not easy, but, what if I were to tell you that you are going to live a more fulfilling life.

You could…..

  • Keep pushing those amazing ideas out of your mind, because it scares you to actually do it.

  • Keep pushing those amazing ideas out of your mind, because, what would people think.

  • Keep going to bed late at night and wake up feeling exhausted each morning.

  • Keep thinking about getting that energy healing, that you know will give you amazing clarity.  

  • Keep eating foods, which make you feel s**t and give you tummy pains.

  • Keep drinking alcohol, even though it disturbs your sleep, because every body else is doing it.

  • Keep putting off your need to start moving your body, because it’s easier to chill on the couch.

  • Keep making excuses for yourself about anything, but it all it does is delay creating the amazing life, you could be creating for yourself.

You see, all the points I just expressed, was “ME” for a long time in my life.

I have so many ideas flowing through my mind, and yet, I always had excuses like, my family needs me more, or what would people think? Do I even have the time to do this for myself? It can be scary to try something new.

I would go to bed late, knowing that my body loves at least 9hrs sleep at night, to feel energised. I’m one of those people, who lives life to the full and so the balance is, that I need to honour my body, by letting her rest like she needs to. As an athlete, when my training load was full, I could easily sleep 10-11 hours each night. Bliss!

I would also push my own self care needs to the bottom of my list, and only schedule a healing or a massage, if I had time. These days, I schedule these in advance for myself and prioritise my self care, because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to manage the load I do in my life – Working in 2 x businesses, coaching sports teams, co-ordinate my family’s individual schedules and the most important, spending QT with my family on a day to day basis.

I’ve said goodbye to drinking alcohol a while ago now, and I feel better for it. I love my food, however, to be able to show up in my work, in the best way possible, I need to ensure I’m fuelling my body with good food. Good Food = Good Mood = Good Life.

I could keep making excuses for myself, to not do this, and not do that, whilst watching life go by, but, this is not me anymore.

There comes a time, when you get tired of making excuses for yourself.

Just say “YES” and life will start opening up doors for you.

Just say “YES” and then take a baby action step towards this dream.

Just say “YES” and see what transpires……

What have you got to lose?


It may not work, so what? You can try something else….as long as you are following your heart, opportunities will come your way. It's just about trying.

What have you got to gain?


A life beyond your wildest dreams is awaiting you. 

Kaye's 1:1 Energy Healings are available world wide – Kaye is based on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia and also offers "in person" mentoring to Sunshine Coast based clients and "Distance Healings" are available via zoom/phone. You can reach out to Kaye at to schedule your 1:1 Energy Healing with her today.

Get your "Manifesting Mojo" on, and download my new online workshop here and start manifesting the life you want NOW.

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