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How do we know when it’s time to change the channel on a TV set?

Do we even need to do this?

Today I would love to share my thoughts on this with you, if you will please indulge me for a minute or two…..

As mama’s, we monitor the content that our children, absorb into their minds through the TV, into 2 categories – appropriate and inappropriate. If it’s appropriate, we give it the big thumbs up and allow them to continue watching their show , and if it’s inappropriate, we may explain to our children, at their level, why we believe, this is not suitable for them, that we would prefer if they do not watch or listen to this content, and then we will either change the channel, until we find, a channel with appropriate content, or we turn it off altogether.

To make this decision, we went through 2-3 simple steps.

  1. Assess whether the content is appropriate or not.

  2. Make a decision as to whether to keep the channel turned on or not

  3. Change the channel, if the content is inappropriate

Makes sense right?

As someone, who spends a lot of time, inside her head, monitoring my own thoughts, deeming them helpful or non-helpful, I just realised that our mind’s are much like a television, with lots of different channels, able to change at any time, running appropriate and inappropriate content, on each of the different channels at all times, with continual dialogue running at all times, even when we’re asleep.

Each channel, represents a different area of our life and the excitement or problems that come with these different areas of our life.

Think about an area of your life, that brings you joy – Automatically, thinking about this brings a smile to your face, your shoulders relax and your eyes soften, just thinking about this. For me, when I think of my family, travelling and being outdoors in nature, I feel  happy – I’ve changed the channel in my brain, that was writing this blog (which I love), to something I love even more and my whole demeanour transformed.

Let’s switch the channel again……

This time, think about an area of your life where you feel stuck right now…..

We are all at home at the moment, due to our current global situation – How does this make you feel?

What thoughts are running through your mind now?

Are they helpful (appropriate) or non helpful (inappropriate) thoughts (AKA content)

Some of us, may feel  like, we have no control over this situation, we are all being affected directly or indirectly, on different levels – Some of us are able to continue working, whilst others are not, some of us are still financially stable, whilst are others are not, some of us are still go about our daily routine, whilst others are not.

Whatever thoughts are running through your mind?

The main purpose for me bringing this up, is to determine whether, they are appropriate or in appropriate.

Then we have a decision to make, all we need to do is follow the 3 step process below.

  1. Assess whether the content is appropriate or not.

  2. Make a decision as to whether to keep the channel turned on or not

  3. Change the channel, if the content is inappropriate

You see, if we viewed our minds, as a TV set, which our children are sitting in front of, I know we would be able to go through this 3 step process, in an instant – It’s a no brainer right?

But, sometimes when it comes to the inner workings of our own minds, especially, if we’ve never been mentored or guided as to how to monitor our thoughts, we get stuck.

So I propose, that we think of our minds, as a TV set, that our children are sitting in front of right now, and we simply take ourselves through the 3 step process above.

We leave the channel on, if the thoughts that are coming into and out of our minds, are helpful and appropriate, and we simply switch the channel, if they are not. 

Maintaining a greater ration of helpful to non helpful thoughts, is a wonderful way, to learn how to shift our moods, because our thoughts are mood shifters, and helps balance our emotions.

So for me, it really is a no brainer, although, sometimes it’s not easy, but with my 3 step process, I can just remember, to switch the channel when I need to right?



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