Hey Gorgeous, I'm SO passionate when it comes to empowering our "next generation" & so you can imagine how excited I was to discover that Erin Barnes, the founder of Next Generation Wellness is doing just that through her "Healthy Parent, Healthy Child" 12wk fully supported Online Program. Erin is just as passionate about creating a happy healthy future for our children & her wellness movement is re-connecting families by empowering the most influential people in their lives - their parents.
Now If you are committed to mindful parenting as I am, I know you will enjoy listening to Erin's - + Simple sustainable tips for healthifying your home + Why she feels blessed by the health issue which caused her to re-evaluate her life + What triggered her passion for wellness + Her beautiful non-negotiables when it comes to her own daily self-love practice Sit back & absorb the beautiful energy that is Erin Barnes by clicking below to view our candid chat.
Have a beautiful day!